Horizontal Lifeline System Components Guide
Jun 12, 2024
Comprehensive guide to the individual components use in the construction and assembly of Reliance Engineered Horizontal Lifeline Systems. Contains complete descriptions, part numbers, photographs, and drawings.
Horizontal Lifeline System Components Guide
Horizontal Systems

Attaching to a harness using the 3062-36T-10 Carabiner Lock
Feb 02, 2024
How to use the 3062-36T-10 carabiner lock and a 3062-36T triple lock carabiner to attach to a harness.
Self-Retracting Lanyards

TB062321-003: Mounting SRL's to Harness Using the 3020Z Bracket
Oct 20, 2022
Mounting SRL's to Harness Using the 3020Z Bracket
Anchorage Connectors Harnesses Self-Retracting Lanyards Accessories

Connecting the SRD to a Harness with 3020LS
Sep 09, 2022
How to mount twin Micro-Loc's to a harness using the 3020LS Stainless Steel Pinned Quick Link.
Harnesses Self-Retracting Lanyards

Connecting the SRD to a Harness with IROW2805 Double Lock Carabiner w/ Gate Lock Bracket
Aug 19, 2021
Connecting the SRD to a Harness with IROW2805 Double Lock Carabiner w/ Gate Lock Bracket
Harnesses Self-Retracting Lanyards Accessories

Connecting the SRD to a Harness with 3062-36T Triple Lock Carabiner
Jun 23, 2021
Connecting the SRD to a Harness with 3062-36T Triple Lock Carabiner
Harnesses Self-Retracting Lanyards Accessories

4851-1 Chemical Compatibility
Feb 23, 2021
Table listing chemical compatibility of the 4851-1 Aggressive Environment Beam Trolley with various media.
Anchorage Connectors

Usage of the 4850 FDA Trolley in Harsh/Corrosive Environments
Jan 07, 2021
Additional inspection criteria required when using the 4850 FDA Trolley in harsh or corrosive environments.
Anchorage Connectors

2020 Reliance Catalog
Mar 05, 2020
Updated Reliance Industries catalog including many new products and systems.

Roto-Loc Reserve Line Cable Soft Stop
Sep 17, 2019
When the cable of the Roto-Loc LE is fully extracted from the unit, the reserve line cable soft stop is engaged, not the cable drum termination. Care must be taken not to engage this soft stop as cable retraction will be lost. The force to break this soft stop is approximately 100 pound load. If the soft stop has been engaged, the unit will lose retraction as well as reserve energy capacity. For inspection procedures please view the attached PDF.
Self-Retracting Lanyards

Guidelines for Using the Skyloc II Leading Edge SRL
May 31, 2018
Provides guidance in using the Skyloc II Leading Edge SRLs, as well as how to determine and calculate the minimum required clearance for leading edge falls.
Self-Retracting Lanyards

Connecting the SRD to a Harness with the 4007-65 Connector
Jan 12, 2018
Describes the procedure used to connect all 400X series SRL devices directly to the harness webbing at the back D-ring location using the 4007-65 Connector.
Harnesses Self-Retracting Lanyards

Engraving Metallic Fall Protection System Hardware and Components
May 26, 2015
Reliance has receive multiple inquiries from end-users regarding the practice of engraving metallic hardware and components used in fall protection products and systems for the purposes of assigning asset numbers or other identification or assignment codes to products in service. This bulletin addresses those questions.
Anchorage Connectors Concrete Embed Systems Confined Space Entry Connectors Harnesses Horizontal Systems Lanyards Rescue Products Self-Retracting Lanyards Vertical Systems Accessories

Serial Numbering on Reliance Full Body Harnesses
Aug 31, 2011
Reliance provides unique identification for all harnesses manufactured through the use of the product “Serial Number.” The “Serial Number” allows equipment users to track and maintain critical information about each individual products inspection record, and origin.

Use of Reliance Industries SRLs by workers with a total weight in excess of 400 lbs
May 26, 2011
Reliance Industries Self-retracting Lifelines (SRLs) which possess internal brakes that limit the maximum arrest force (MAF) to 900-lb. or less may be used by workers with a total weight of 400-lb. When tested for use in these applications, the arresting force of the SRL remained below 900-lb. with extensions less than 42-in., making the SRLs compliant with both current OSHA and ANSI regulations provided the SRL is mounted overhead.
Self-Retracting Lanyards

Certification/Inspection frequency of Reliance Products
May 20, 2011
Describes the normal servicing, recertification and inspection requirements for Reliance products.
Anchorage Connectors Concrete Embed Systems Confined Space Entry Connectors Harnesses Horizontal Systems Lanyards Rescue Products Self-Retracting Lanyards Vertical Systems

Marking Harness Web with “Sharpie” and “Marks-a-Lot” Markers
Feb 18, 2011
Clarification regarding the use of “Sharpie” and “Marks-a-Lot” Markers to record information on webbing.
Harnesses Lanyards

Effective Removal of the 2265/2266 Reusable Concrete Anchorage Connector
Jan 21, 2011
Procedure fro removing 2265/66 anchorage connectors that will not release properly.
Anchorage Connectors

Factors Affecting the Service Life of Personal Fall Protection Equipment
Jan 11, 2011
Reliance position on the service life of Personal Fall Protection Equipment.
Harnesses Lanyards

Lubrication & Maintenance of the 3011 Rebar Snaphook
Nov 30, 2010
Detailed instructions for lubricating and cleaning 3011 Rebar Snap hooks that may have become loaded with abrasive debris or other contaminants, resulting in the hook being unable to close and lock properly.
Anchorage Connectors Connectors Lanyards

3022-17 Socket Size Irregularity Notice
Oct 26, 2010
Details regarding irregularity in sizes of 3022-17 sockets received by Reliance from socket OEM.
Anchorage Connectors

6077 Tie-Back Assembly Update
Jul 22, 2010
Design update details for the 6077-21 Tie-Back Assembly.
Horizontal Systems

Textile Product Cleaning
May 18, 2010
Cleaning procedures for Reliance textile items, including a listing of tested and approved commercial cleaning agents.
Harnesses Lanyards

Shock Absorbing Lanyards for Work Positioning
Dec 15, 2009
Details regarding the incorrect usage of Shock Absorbing Lanyards as Positioning Devices.